“The past is the past and it`s time to release what`s no longer serves you,
and which is holding you back.
Every step of your life journey has a mission, and something to teach you.
It`s a server of your soul and a gift for you.

Sometimes the gift is difficult to see because it was painful,
or the road led you to a place you never ever thought you were going.

And still, here you are looking back and knew it was something in it for you to learn, to grow and to expand as a human being.

But something inside you tells you that something from the past is holding you back – and it`s time to let go, to release, to integrate the lessons, to grow, to surrender and to transform into the new version of you.

It`s the time to be honest and to take responsibility.

The time to say «Thank you» to all the people who challenged you to grow, behind what you thought was good for you – back then.

They were all teachers, sent for you to grow your Soul – to see yourself, to learn who you could be – behind the pain and the suffering.

They were gifts sent for you – to grow and you can say “thank you” or «no thanks» to these gifts.

Nothing is more wrong or right – and both answers will lead you forward to another opportunity to grow and integrate the lessons you have chosen in this lifetime.

Because it is your journey – your trip through your life – and the growth process and expansion is a part of your souls journey back to yourself. To understand yourself on a deeper level of meaning, believing and purpose.

That’s all, nothing is wrong, and nothing is right. It`s just your journey -and you can be the one sitting in the driver seat – or you can sit in the back of the car and be driven around, and let others lead the way. This is your choice. Not anybody else’s.

But if you want to step into the front seat and be the one who drives the car – and choose the way, you need the key to the car and some skills to dive the car. A road map can be helpful, but you will find the way, with persistence a little support, good intuition, and faith in yourself.

Choose to enjoy this trip. Choose to drive where you want to go. Enjoy the travel, have fun, look at the beauty on the way, stop and take breaks, smell the flowers, look at sunsets and sunrises, dance in the moonlight and laugh in the rain.

It`s all your choice to choose which path you want to drive and where you want to go.

It`s your plan, it`s your life, it`s your eyes viewing the scenery from within. If you don`t like what you see, look for what you like, change glasses, change scenery, do the changes inside. Take yourself seriously, ask for help when needed.

You can’t do everything on your own. If that was the plan, God would have put you on a desert island – with no other human beings. So, if you have not landed there – there is another plan.

Be kind to yourself, listen to your needs and desires, let go of what no longer serves you – it`s time to grow – if you are ready.
We will help you. Just ask. You are never alone.”

With Love